Poster analysis

        Poster 1:

  1. What do you think the film is about and what might the storyline be? I think that this may be about a robot takeover due to what the tagline says.There is a clear star power who is the appeal of the movie who I'm assuming is the protagonist hero. However, there is a desaturated light casted on the female wgho is the antagonist and the femme fatale.I know this because the woman is carrying a prop ( ciggarette) which suggests criminality.

  2. What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to? I think that this film is an action film as the cover is very flashy as it has 2 contrasting colours (black and orange). There is also an enigma code

  3. Who do you think is the target audience? I think the target audience is mainly teenagers and up who love action movies.

Poster 2:
  1. What do you think the film is about and what might the storyline be? I think the film is about teenagers who explore things together as in the poster they clearly look like a group of friends.

  2. What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to? I think this film is a hybrid genre of comedy and horror which is portrayed through the critics quote. This film also is horror because of the tagline, suggesting that something bad may happen.

  3. Who do you think is the target audience? I think that the target audience is teenagers because the people in the film are also teenagers therefore it will be much more appealing to them as the audience will see this movie as relatable.

Poster 3:

  1. What do you think the film is about and what might the storyline be? I think that this movie may be about separation and being lonely as the colours and setting is very desaturated and almost like a black and white filter except the snow is a pop of colour. This creates a dark and almost so sister atmosphere.

  2. What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to? I think that this film is a dystopian genre maybe about war as the character is positioned with his/her back facing the viewers. There is also lowkey lighting set on the person as all the viewers can see is a figure which gives the impression of sadness but also an underlying tone of revenge/anger.

  3. Who do you think is the target audience? I think the target audience is adults. Perhaps adults that have experienced the post war effects on society as it may be seen as relatable to them.

Poster 4:

  1. What do you think the film is about and what might the storyline be?

  2. What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

  3. Who do you think is the target audience?

Poster 5:
  1. What do you think the film is about and what might the storyline be? I think that this film is about a child who is scared of something which juxtaposes to its title.

  2. What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to? I think the genre is horror because of the over saturated colour of the sky which contrasts to the bottom half of the poster which has very low key lighting. I think this because there’s also an enigma code where the child is looking into a hole and looks quite frightened.

  3. Who do you think is the target audience? I think the the target audience is adults.

Poster 6:

  1. What do you think the film is about and what might the storyline be? I think that this film is very adventurous perhaps, about a group of people that explore new things together.

  2. What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to? I think that this film is a hybrid genre between action and comedy. This is because of the very saturated colours on the poster. The vibrancy actively suggests an the cast having an adventurous time and so does the colour green in the poster.

  3. Who do you think is the target audience?
